
Showing posts from January, 2020

Postpartum [Part II]: A balancing act

Raw + real moment captured by my mom. New parent life at its finest. Postpartum, breastfeeding, mother/fatherhood all require more teamwork than we anticipated.  NOTE Postpartum is a topic that seems silent much like the topic of infertility. So, I'm going to be real, raw, and hold  nothing  back. This journey is not all glamorous nor is it easy. But, the real beauty is  the gift from God. Reader’s discretion advised. Everyone’s recovery is different and therefore, what I share is my experience; however, I would hope that I can help some new mom-to-bes feel a little more prepared or at least have some tools on hand to trial. No matter how many moms we talk to or watch through the process, postpartum and motherhood is something that can’t be understood until you face it and live it.  Postpartum Mess The weather was so nice our first weekend home that I was ready to go for a walk. We attempted a walk and I couldn’t make it past a few minutes of walk...

Postpartum [Part I]: Recovery Revealed

NOTE: I’m going to be real, raw, and hold nothing back on these next series of posts, for postpartum is a topic that seems silent much like the topic of infertility. Reader’s discretion advised. Everyone’s recovery is different and therefore, what I share is my experience; however, I would hope that I can help some new mom-to-bes feel a little more prepared or at least have some tools on hand to trial. No matter how many moms we talk to or watch through the process, postpartum and motherhood is something that can’t be understood until you face it and live it  J From the delivery ward to the postpartum unit : I could EAT!!! And boy, did I eat! Aside from all the discomfort down below, I have never been so happy to eat normal food and proportions more than what a bird would eat! I ordered a spread each morning for breakfast and my husband and I had dinner delivered from outside the hospital. You would think my eyes were bigger than my stomach, but my eyes were spot on for what...