IVF got this [Part IV]: Go time

I couldn't do life + all the big decisions without this guy.
The night of his birthday, he opened up...it was just what I needed to hear to calm my nerves.

If you’re just now starting to read this blog, refer to the beginning of our journey: It all started with infertility or start with Part I of the IVF got this series. Again, this is a sensitive topic for most and some do not feel comfortable sharing. Therefore, I hope some of the information brings a little comfort and peace to those facing uncertainty or fears or simply provide a little understanding to those that would like to learn more about the IVF process. This is a journey we choose to rely on faith and take one day at a time for we know we have no control over our future. Every person, every story is a testimony. We are all living miracles. Links are provided for additional information on resources and as always, talk to your doctor about any of your concerns or recommendations you hear about.


Because we were signed up for a frozen transfer we can choose a month we’d like to proceed. All our little embryos will be stored until they’re ready for transfer. After a discussion with my doctor, she kind of put me into the mindset we shouldn’t wait too long. By the time we have our first one, I would be close to 40 and by the time we have our second, I would be 41. Oh my gosh! I never thought about my age until that moment! My husband had stopped me at the word “second.” He did not want to think past 1 at this point. I don’t even know how many I would want. But I at least want 2 because they need a sibling, right? His dad was an only child, my Mee Maw was an only child, my best friend was an only child....we both grew up with 3 siblings (and he also had a step-sister so 4 for him). So, it only makes sense to have more than one. I’ve already been wanting another pup for our Lincoln just because I want him to have a sibling / playmate! 


We survived our indecisive quarrels and made the decision to transfer early February. However, you can’t even make an appointment because it’s all about when the woman’s body wants to cooperate and lucky me, my monthly was being a little stubborn. I took my husband out for his birthday in February and during our conversation, I mentioned, “maybe my delayed cycle is a sign we shouldn’t do this.” Yes, we already paid for the retrieval and have 5 frozen embryos just waiting to come to life, but a part of me was still shaking in my boots. I even stated that this decision would be so much easier if one of us felt strongly about one way or the other. That night over dinner, my husband didn’t disagree, but looked at me and said with confidence, “I think you’re getting cold feet.” Remember, we already bailed once. Then he proceeded to tell me he was okay not having kids, but if one of the embryos worked, he lit up with water in his eyes and said, “I’d be super stoked.” That’s all I needed to hear.

We booked a spontaneous trip the first week of March to the Bahamas (one of the only 2 places in the Caribbean that was Zika free). My husband wasn’t busy at work that week so he decided he’d like to be a beach bum on one of the Caribbean islands (even though he is not a beach guy). I didn’t even hesitate to reject his offer because he NEVER randomly takes off for vacation! Plus, we knew we were getting ready for something big. My monthly cycle had yet to arrive. I called the office in a slight panic stating I hadn’t started and we planned for a February transfer and we have this trip coming up. Again, the nurses let me know in such a calm and positive attitude that we will be okay and to relax and enjoy the trip. I’m thinking, but my body is so stubborn!!

Sure enough my monthly arrived mid-February. And it was GO time. But first, a week of more shots (particularly progesterone) were necessary...this time 2ml daily via a 1 ½ “needle directly in the booty muscle! The kicker, they must be done between 7-8a. The suspense was getting real.


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