It's race week!!!

For the first time in 9 months, I had a break in the weekend.  No LONG hours of biking.  No rushing to cram in workouts before special events.  No getting up super early to start working out (although, I can’t sleep in past 7).  These last two weeks consist of tapering, or weaning off of working out.  It’s been known to be the most challenging part of training.   My husband describes it like studying for a big test or boards for months or weeks and after it’s over, you feel like you need to keep studying.  Your mind and body doesn’t know how to relax.  In fact, I begin to feel anxious if I don’t work out!  So, I’m battling these last two weeks…a battle between my mind and body. 

The last 2 weeks
What do these last two weeks consist of? Catching up with life while tapering which is quite a good distraction from nerves and thinking about what I “think” I should be doing.  I’m spending more time with my husband.  Just last weekend I made us late for two big sporting events because I felt I needed to get one more workout in before race week.  I even started biking at early (as in 6 early) in the morning and still managed to be over a half hour late to the Saturday soccer game that started at 1p.  Someone gave us tickets to a major soccer game and tickets to watch a rivalry baseball game from the green seats (literally behind home plate) – the Cubs and the Cards.  Regardless, we still had a great time because I had the rest of the day off!

Last weekend before the race
This last weekend consisted of visiting with my brother and his friend.   I even had time to clean our condo!  We went to church and enjoyed a yummy dinner and a movie afterward at our place.   This weekend also included prepping for the race and organizing all my bags.  My bike was cleaned spotless and now looks brand new.  We are given 5 bags for the day at Ironman: morning bag, bike bag, bike special needs bag, run bag, and run special needs bag.   So I figured, why not reduce the stress now and pack all my bags with the checklist in each.  I know I won’t have time this week to organize since we leave right after work on Thursday.   Transition is a little different than all the other triathlons.  Nothing is allowed in the transition area except our bikes.  Volunteers grab our bags during each transition and they basically dump our things out and we can change, eat, or whatever we need to do prior to taking off on the bike or the run.   Special needs bags are filled with goodies or extras that are retrieved halfway on the bike and run.  Yes, I’m packing salty Lay’s potato chips in my special needs for the bike!  I’m also packing over 3,000 calories worth of nutrition for the day.  I’m hoping I can get in about 200 calories per hour on the bike.  I will not take in any solids for the run…doesn’t settle well, plus, too much texture gags me. 
Weekend was spend cleaning Bluestreak and organizing race day items!
What will happen this week?
-       Mani-Pedi – I usually do my own nails, love bright colors especially for races.  I always tell my husband he can spot me in the water with my bright nail polish
-       Sports massage – deep tissue, stretching, and action release tension, painful but worth it
-       Last minute shopping for food
-       Tri club meeting
-       Pick up rental car – both our cars are in no shape for long hours of driving
-       Pick up our Tri club tent – it’s a destination race and there will be about 7 of us from the club racing
-       Making last minute reservations – breakfast for the club and dinner with family
-       Most importantly…REST and stay HEALTHY!
-       Friday & Saturday: EAT, eat, and enjoy time with my family and…SLEEP!

There are not really any expectations for we go into the race and take one stroke, one pedal, and one stride at a time.   My primary goal is to simply have fun and finish in the allotted 17 hours.  My hope is the weather will be pleasant.  My prayer is to be strong and positive despite anything out of my control.  I’m getting excited for this day and so is my husband.  I think he’s actually more excited than me.  As I mentioned before, it’s like getting ready for your wedding day…all the anticipation, excitement, and hope that all will go well.  It requires months of planning and getting ready.  I can’t wait to see my family and friends at the finish line…I pray for God to give me strength to meet them there and hear “Tiffany Dill, you are an Ironman!”

I’m ready….I’ve been ready to conquer this!

Quote of the day:  We acquire the strength we have overcome. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bible verse of the day:  “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and now grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  ~ Isaiah 40:31


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