IVF got this [Part V]: Night before test
Taking each leg of the journey one day at a time and thanking God for one another and His strength to carry us through each day. If you’re just now starting to read this blog, refer to the beginning of our journey: It all started with infertility or start with Part I of the IVF got this series . Again, this is a sensitive topic for most and some do not feel comfortable sharing. Therefore, I hope some of the information brings a little comfort and peace to those facing uncertainty or fears or simply provide a little understanding to those that would like to learn more about the IVF process. This is a journey we choose to rely on faith and take one day at a time for we know we have no control over our future. Every person, every story is a testimony. We are all living miracles. Links are provided for additional information on resources and as always, talk to your doctor about any of your concerns or recommendations you hear about. -----------...