A purpose
Everyone has a purpose in life and whether you believe in God or not, every molecule was somehow formed to a unique you in the womb. Every DNA sequence, every brain cell, every muscle fiber, every bone and tissue was fine tuned and wired to create and shape you. No one is like you. Perhaps this is why medicine is so challenging because treatments, procedures, and diagnostic tests aren't so reliable at times. It's not a cure for everyone. God has a plan...a perfect plan. His plans don't always make sense. Sometimes, His plans make us angry. His plans can often seem like such terrible timing. How could He allow the most unbearable and evil things happen? It’s impossible to control everything. We may never understand His plans but it's up to us to trust Him and remain strong for the best is yet to happen. We often learn lessons in life and one significant lesson for all is to appreciate all living things. Be grateful to wake up another morning, to ...