Under the weather??
Be still. It’s that time of the year again where sniffles, stuffiness, and puffy eyes hit our heads. Or maybe, we’ve been hit by the bug that likes to stir the tummy. If you’re used to being active on the clock like me, we don't schedule these unfortunate occurrences. Sometimes these circumstances last quite a while especially if there’s inflammation, broken bones, or physical repairs involving some healing time that we don’t want on our agendas for too long. Sitting still is hard for a lot of us. A week ago, I ran a long 9 miles. It was after work and even though it was a tough run through biting wind chills, I felt good and I was pleased with my run time. My limbs may have been numb, but I felt good! After that night, things weren’t right. Imagine your body feeling great and wanting to move but puffy eyes, itchy nose, sneezing, and head pressure holding you back from doing much. Doesn’t sound like those little symptoms up top would hold the rest o...