Time to bring out the 80s toys!
As a parent, have you ever thought about the toys you played with as a child? Do you have a favorite toy that comes to mind when you think of your childhood days playing with friends in your neighborhood, at school, or parties? As technology advances, toys for kids may become cooler and better in some ways, but what affect does it have on their future health? Our lives are being pushed in a fast-paced society limiting our time to enjoy the simple things in life. The simple things are quite often the key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle. However, time limits our ability to be creative or spend time with the ones we love. When was the last time you had a sit down meal with your family? We often seek out what’s more convenient such as foods that are quick to eat or maybe easy for on the go, but it’s cheaper. Why is it that processed foods require more work in the factory and more complex ingredients, but yet are still economical? ...