Rays of sunshine

Colossians 3:14

Image credit: @picsome.ca

Disclaimer: This is not a political post. I cannot possibly relate to every situation in this world nor does anyone have all the answers. Therefore, the only way I can see rays of light through the darkness is trusting my Savior. I cannot fathom the agony, the pain, the persecution of the innocent. I can’t even watch the news. It hurts, it drives fear. Now that I’m a mother, witnessing and hearing these evil acts drives deep into my emotions and hurts 10x more. We lose innocent lives daily and because of that (as well as a plethora of other ongoing challenges in our world)…I want to shed light on the truth. The truth that sets our chains free…for eternity. 

“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” – 1 Corinthians 13:6

Through our infertility journey, we had many questions and hesitations. Before we made the decision to move forward with our embryo transfer, we hesitated. We had already bailed once and nearly bailed the second time...because of fear and uncertainty. One fear was because we knew this world is dark and ugly. We couldn’t bare the thought of a child enduring disrespect, hate, and pain whether emotionally or physically. But at the same time, we couldn’t help but think of the rays of light that another child of God could shine towards love and hope through all the chaos. Plus, I had to remind myself that I shouldn’t let fear rob us from the joy and blessings in life. 

“Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

I can’t imagine being the mother sleeping in fear praying that my child makes it (whatever that “it” is) through the night. Or praying that my child or husband comes back home alive as I pray for that dark cloud to go away and feel peace. I can’t imagine the mother who is grieving over the evil that took her innocent child’s life away and praying hard on her hands and knees calling out to God “why” or how she could go on with life. I can’t even begin to imagine how many children do not have a home or food in their bellies tonight as I write this. My heart hurts and wants to take away all the pain (especially from evil) in the world. I want to rescue all the children and shelter them with a blanket of love. But at the same time, I understand this is a broken world of shattered, imperfect pieces. A world that will never be perfect nor will the people in it ever be perfect. That is why we have Jesus. He died for us! And His death provided us forgiveness from our imperfections, our evil, our sins! What he endured is far more unimaginable than all the agony in our present world combined. He loves EVERY one of us deeply, and through all this hurt and pain...it drives us to Him, to an eternity of hope. 

There have been world tragedies and personal tragedies where we have finally seen some light at the end of the tunnel. Then, another cave collapses surrounding us with darkness again.  At this time in history, we are re-routing with perseverance to seek another crack of light. We are seeking a break. Many are seeking a break from multiple layers of challenges in addition to the world around them. Some are fighting for life while some are fighting for rights. 

While recovering from a pandemic many businesses and employees are coming up for air with hopes of financially surviving or providing for their family while many nearly missed death or even faced death.  Then another historical epidemic sweeps across our nation releasing emotions of rage, fear, and darkness in the streets. Both of these current situations generate similar emotions and outcomes. This country is aching and pleading for unity as evil appears to be winning. But evil will NOT win. 

“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” – Psalm 34:14 

Now that I have a child of my own, instead of fearing the future for him and his generation, I pray for God to guide me. I pray for Him to equip me with strength, courage, patience, peace, and forgiveness for I know that I’m not perfect. I know my son is not perfect and never will be. I know I will have no control over him throughout his life. The best I can do is provide him the foundation: cover him with unconditional love, teach him respect and kindness, demonstrate God’s love with hope, and teach Him all about God.  I pray for him to shine his light in the darkness. Shine a light on the path to hope, to guide others toward the Truth and spread God’s love as he grows in this world. In fact, I sing to him “This little light of mine.” I pray with him nightly asking God to armor him through the battlefields in life. I tell him Jesus is his best friend and will never leave him nor forsake him. I sing to him “Jesus Loves Me.” I whisper to him to reach for Jesus when he falls. I am confident that Jesus will bring him to his feet and give him strength to climb the mountains, swim across the sea and soar on wings like eagles. However, I have to instill in him the desire to stay close to God; to listen to God; and to obey God. No matter what, I am to love my child and forgive him through any disappointments like Jesus did for us. 

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” – Psalm 46:1

I pray for strength among us who are weak, among us that are hurting. All challenges, issues, and differences aside...we praise and rejoice in the one true God that keeps our hearts together in unity through love.

“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” – Colossians 3:14


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